Working to Restore Tradition

"The Niigata prefecture, is number one in Japan in both rice planting area and crop yield, it is Japan’s premium rice-growing region. The rice seasons in Northern Japan last from May – June to September – October."


"As you look further, you can see the farmer’s vegetable farm and also the Kominka we are going to save."

"If you notice it is currently full of vegitation... overgrown and a little beat-up, but we are going to transform it to be once again habitable and viable, so when people travel to Niigata they have a wonderful place to stay."


"There are rice fields, vegetable farms and fruit orchards that are all over the town of Shirone. A wonderful and rewarding place to visit and invest. So join me, milt yamada in this worthwhile and enjoyable mission. Please contact me at (808) 271-1517 for more information on how you can join us."

Kominka Summit 2023

Niigata Weather